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World Earth Day
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World Earth Day

World Earth Day, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Network has appealed to global leaders, opinion leaders, governments of nations, organizations, and individuals to seek an end to ecological dis-harmony. The UNSDG Country Director, Amb. Prof. Joseph Legend Mfon made this known in a message commemorating the 2023 World Earth Day on Saturday.

Prof. Joseph Legend Mfon said everyone needs to be committed to enhance climate peace and ecological harmony. We must make peace with nature. According to the UNSDG Country Director, everyone needs to do their part in protecting the ecosystem.

Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 of every year. The day has been set aside by the United Nations to raise awareness on the need to protect nature and shift to a more sustainable economy.

Prof. Joseph Legend Mfon said nature’s beauty is a gift that cultivates appreciation and gratitude. He said humanity is waging a relentless war on ecosystems and these actions are causing biodiversity to collapse.

"A healthy environment signifies the well-being of all forms of life be they. humans, animals, forests, plants, and marine life. It is one in which all systems work. well and work together, and in which all citizens enjoy cordial human relationship and a good measure of rapport and Ecological Harmony". He stated.

He added that booming air pollution is eroding Earth’s precious biodiversity, robbing it. us of our natural heritage and driving whole species to the brink of extinction. The pollutants is also undermining economies, ecology, and ecosystems.

He stated,

“I urge people all around the world to raise awareness in schools, workplaces, and on social media platforms and demand governments of nations to make peace with nature.”

More people need to understand the damage this air pollution is doing to our planet, ecology, livelihoods, and communities. We must change our habits and behavior so that air pollution can be stopped. More awareness and action that pushes. governments and international bodies to introduce and enforce tougher laws and combat those still willing to break them must be enhanced.

He added that achieving sustainable development will require volunteers and people’s participation at the policy and decision-making level and where implementation takes place. Huge efforts to counter air pollution- including stronger policies, awareness campaigns, and investments in community conservation and law enforcement – have scored some great successes.

However, humans and many species remain at risk and it will take a dedicated and sustained effort by each and every one of us to turn the tide.

“Let’s get to work to implement the historic UN biodiversity agreement. The environment is where we live; Development is what we do; Sustainable Development is about balancing development and environmental considerations.”

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